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Strategic Growth: Key Insights to Business Development

June 24, 2024

The Cooperative Movement to Business Excellence! ✨

Our sincere thanks to all the attendees of Strategic Growth: Key Insights for Business Development Webinar. Your engagement and insights made the webinar truly enriching.
It’s clear that Business Development is not just important but essential for the growth and sustainability of Cooperatives and its Members. Let’s continue to innovate and collaborate to drive our cooperative members forward.

See you on our next BDS Sessions and Activities! 😉

Special thanks to our Resource Speaker:
❤️ Ma’am Ruby Depollo Salvador

Together, we will make the Cooperatives better!❤️❤️❤️

“Your Best Partner in Progress”


Central Luzon Region League of the Philippine Federation of Credit Cooperative is an organization founded and established by 20 primary cooperatives based in Central Luzon

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